London Bridge is falling down
London Bridge is falling down,
Falling down, falling down.
London Bridge is falling down,
My fair lady.
Build it up with wood and clay,
Wood and clay, wood and clay,
Build it up with wood and clay,
My fair lady.
Wood and clay will wash away,
Wash away, wash away,
Wood and clay will wash away,
My fair lady.
Build it up with silver and gold,
Silver and gold, silver and gold,
Build it up with silver and gold,
My fair lady.
Silver and gold will be stolen away,
Stolen away, stolen away,
Silver and gold will be stolen away,
My fair lady.
Set a man to watch all night,
Watch all night, watch all night,
Set a man to watch all night,
My fair lady.
There is considerable variation in the lyrics of the rhyme.
The most frequently used first verse is:
London Bridge is falling down,
Falling down, falling down.
London Bridge is falling down,
My fair lady.[1]
In the version quoted by Iona and Peter Opie
in 1951 the full lyrics were:
London Bridge is broken down,
Broken down, broken down.
London Bridge is broken down,
My fair lady.
Build it up with wood and clay,
Wood and clay, wood and clay,
Build it up with wood and clay,
My fair lady.
Wood and clay will wash away,
Wash away, wash away,
Wood and clay will wash away,
My fair lady.
Build it up with bricks and mortar,
Bricks and mortar, bricks and mortar,
Build it up with bricks and mortar,
My fair lady.
Bricks and mortar will not stay,
Will not stay, will not stay,
Bricks and mortar will not stay,
My fair lady.
Build it up with iron and steel,
Iron and steel, iron and steel,
Build it up with iron and steel,
My fair lady.
Iron and steel will bend and bow,
Bend and bow, bend and bow,
Iron and steel will bend and bow,
My fair lady.
Build it up with silver and gold,
Silver and gold, silver and gold,
Build it up with silver and gold,
My fair lady.
Silver and gold will be stolen away,
Stolen away, stolen away,
Silver and gold will be stolen away,
My fair lady.
Set a man to watch all night,
Watch all night, watch all night,
Set a man to watch all night,
My fair lady.
Suppose the man should fall asleep,
Fall asleep, fall asleep,
Suppose the man should fall asleep?
My fair lady.
Give him a pipe to smoke all night,
Smoke all night, smoke all night,
Give him a pipe to smoke all night,
My fair lady.[2]
--> keywords
爲美國賓夕法尼亞州( Pennsylvania )與馬里蘭州( Maryland )之間的分界線,於1763年至1767年由英國
測量家查理斯·梅森(Charles Mason,1728年4月—1786年10月25日)和英
國測量家、天文學家傑里邁·狄克森(Jeremiah Dixon,1733年7月27日—
10-01-Hey! Porter Johnny Cash
Johnny Cash
Hey Porter
Hey porter! Hey porter!
Would you tell me the time?
How much longer will it be till we cross that Mason Dixon Line?
At daylight would ya tell that engineer
to slow it down?
Or better still, just stop the train,
Cause I wanna look around.
Hey porter! Hey porter!
What time did ya say?
How much longer will it be till I can see the light of day?
When we hit Dixie will you tell that engineer
to ring his bell?
And ask everybody that ain't asleep
to stand right up and yell.
Hey porter! Hey porter!
It's getting light outside.
This old train is puffin' smoke, and I have to strain my eyes.
But ask that engineer if he will
blow his whistle please.
Cause I smell frost on cotton leaves
and I feel that Southern breeze.
Hey porter! Hey porter!
Please get my bags for me.
I need nobody to tell me now
that we're in Tennessee.
Go tell that engineer to make that lonesome whistle scream,
We're not so far from home
so take it easy on the steam.
Hey porter! Hey porter!
Please open up the door.
When they stop the train I'm gonna get off first
Cause I can't wait no more.
Tell that engineer I said thanks alot,
and I didn't mind the fare.
I'm gonna set my feet on Southern soil
and breathe that Southern air.
04-Songs & Stories_4
--------Ring Little Bells------
enter 進入
bar 閂,橫槓
doorway 出入口,門口,門道
bless 祝福
maid 少女,(未婚的)年輕女子
infant 嬰兒
tender 柔軟
shelter 掩蔽,遮蔽
praise 讚揚,稱讚
steal 偷竊
mid 中央的,中間的
peal 宏亮而持續的響聲
holy 神聖的
----------Mistress Mary-----------------
Mistress (大寫,用作稱呼,現已為Miss或Mrs.所替代)小姐;夫人
quite 完全,徹底
contrary 相反的,對立的
garden 花園;菜園
cockle shell 貝殼
cowslip 黃花九輪草
-----------The Little Engine That Could
railroad train 鐵路火車
toy 玩具,玩物
start out 出發
chug 軋軋聲(引擎排氣聲)
engine 火車頭 引擎
up in front 前面上方 (火車頭)
clack 發出嗶剝聲
clickety clack ?嗒?嗒響
reach 抵達,到達
roar 轟隆震響
moan 嗚咽聲 悲歎
groan 呻吟聲;哼聲
moan and groan 哀怨呻吟
huff and puff 氣喘吁吁
weary 疲倦的,疲勞的
in vain 無結果的; 無用的
alas (表示悲痛、憐憫、遺憾、關切等)哎呀,唉
alack 【古】嗚呼!哀哉!(表示遺憾、悲痛、驚訝等)
alas alack 唉嗚呼
sneer 輕蔑地笑;冷笑
scornfully 瞧不起的、不屑的
reply 回答,答覆
bother 煩擾,打攪
mean 吝嗇的,小氣的
hitch 鉤住;拴住
though 雖然;儘管
take a lesson 學到教訓 上課
needle 針;編織針
pin 大頭針;別針
--------Wouldn't it be funny?----
cobbler 補鞋匠;製鞋匠
mend 修理,修補
half past two 半小時再過2分鐘
neat 整潔的;整齊的
whistle (鳥)囀鳴聲 哨音;笛聲
----------Once I saw a little bird--------
hop 單足跳;蹦蹦跳;跳躍
far away 遠處
fly flew flown
---------Pease-pudding hot-------
Pease-pudding 豆粉布丁
Pease 豌豆
pudding 布丁
in the pot 在鍋子裡
nine days old 九天的時間
venture adventure
adventure ( 探險 )-----親歷險境的感受
They set out on a daring space adventure.
No man would adventure it.
venture ( 冒險的事業 \ 活動 )-----精神上的感受
He has started a joint venture in Singapore.
He ventured large sums of money on speculative stocks.
He is too timid to venture upon a new undertaking.
stretch extend spread expend
reach 抵達,到達;達到
When will they reach Los Angeles ?
He reached his hand out for the book I offered him .
stretch 伸直 用於自己的手或腳伸直或拉直
She stretched out her hand for the dictionary .
The little girl stretched her rubber band .
extend 延長 除了用於 自己的手或腳 也可用於時間 空間的延長
Can ' t you extend your visit for a few days ?
The tourist season extends from May till October .
spread 擴展
I spread my arms as far apart as I could .
Mom spread a new table - cloth on the table .
expand 擴張
The eagle expanded its wings .
In ten years the city ' s population expanded by 12 % .
原文 :
: to make (something) wider or longer by pulling it
: to become longer or wider when pulled
: to put your arms, legs, etc., in positions that make the muscles long and tight
: to cause (something, such as your arm or leg) to straighten out or to stretch out
: to become longer or to be able to become longer
: to continue in a specified direction or over a specified distance, space, or time
: to open, arrange, or place (something) over a large area
: to place (things) over a large area
: to become larger or to affect a larger area : to move into more places
: to increase in size, range, or amount : to become bigger
: to cause (something) to increase in size, range, or amount : to make
(something) bigger
: to write (something) in full form
When will they reach Los Angeles ?
He reached his hand out for the book I offered him .
stretch 伸直 用於自己的手或腳伸直或拉直
She stretched out her hand for the dictionary .
The little girl stretched her rubber band .
extend 延長 除了用於 自己的手或腳 也可用於時間 空間的延長
Can ' t you extend your visit for a few days ?
The tourist season extends from May till October .
spread 擴展
I spread my arms as far apart as I could .
Mom spread a new table - cloth on the table .
expand 擴張
The eagle expanded its wings .
In ten years the city ' s population expanded by 12 % .
原文 :
: to make (something) wider or longer by pulling it
: to become longer or wider when pulled
: to put your arms, legs, etc., in positions that make the muscles long and tight
: to cause (something, such as your arm or leg) to straighten out or to stretch out
: to become longer or to be able to become longer
: to continue in a specified direction or over a specified distance, space, or time
: to open, arrange, or place (something) over a large area
: to place (things) over a large area
: to become larger or to affect a larger area : to move into more places
: to increase in size, range, or amount : to become bigger
: to cause (something) to increase in size, range, or amount : to make
(something) bigger
: to write (something) in full form