

10-The Little Red Riding Hood

----------10-01-Hey! Porter Johnny Cash------------
porter  (車站,機場等的)搬運工人,腳夫
Mason Dixon Line  梅森—迪克森線  --> Mason Dixon Line 
daylight  日光;白晝
puff  一陣陣地吹(或噴)
strain  拉緊;拖緊;伸張
strain eyes  盡力睜大(眼)
blow 吹
frost   霜
cotton  棉,棉花
scream  尖叫
Southern   (在)南方的;
breeze  微風,和風
Tennessee  美國田納西州  -->  Tennessee
lonesome   寂寞的;孤單的
steam  蒸汽,水蒸汽
 fare  (交通工具的)票價,車(船)費
 soil  土,泥土
breathe   呼吸;呼氣
------------------10-05-London Bridge is Fall---------
London  倫敦(英國首都)
bridge  橋,橋樑
fair  (皮膚)白皙的;
wood  木頭;木材
clay  黏土;泥土
wash away (用水)沖掉
silver  銀
gold  金
steal  stole  stolen  偷,竊取
-----------------Did you ever see a horse---------
board  木板;板
lace  繫帶子;用帶子縛緊
pin  (用別針等)別住
moth  蛾;蠹,蛀蟲
bawl  大喊,大叫  -->  cry vs shout yell scream shriek call
lash  急速揮動
stick  釘住;插牢
drum  打鼓
clam  蛤,蛤蜊
bake  烘,烤
---------- Little Red Riding Hood ------
classic  經典
coloring  book  著色簿
go  through
freckle  雀斑;斑點
basket  籃,簍,筐
goody  好吃的東西,糖果
started skipping  開始蹦蹦跳跳
cry out  大聲喊叫
lumberjack  伐木工人
bush  灌木,灌木叢
wolf  狼
peek  偷看,窺視
squirrel  松鼠
munch     咯吱咯吱地咀嚼;津津有味地嚼
nut  堅果;核果;堅果仁
scream  尖叫;放聲大哭  -->  cry vs shout yell scream shriek call
 no  match  比不過
match  比賽,競賽
tie up  綁住
scarf   圍巾;披巾
nightcap  睡帽
pretend  佯裝;假裝
arm  手臂
leap  跳,跳躍
roar  (獅,虎等)吼叫
lick  舔,舐
chops  下巴  顎
loud  大聲的,響亮的
leg  腿,足
ax  斧
flashlight  手電筒
hide  把……藏起來
hide hid hidden
closet  壁櫥;碗櫥  衣櫥
broom  掃帚
feast  盛宴,筵席
worry about  焦慮
---------Row, Row, Row Your Boat-------
row  划(船)
boat  小船
Gently  溫柔地 輕輕地
Merrily  快樂地,愉快地
dream 夢  幻想,空想
---------- Over the river and through the woods------------
drift  漂,漂流          -->  draft  草稿,草圖 【美】徵兵,徵集  (職業運動的)選拔制度
sleigh  雪橇
trot  (馬等的)小跑,快步
dapple  有斑點的,花斑的
hound  獵犬
dreadfully  可怕地,恐怖地
pudding  布丁
pumpkin 南瓜
pie  派 餡餅

Over the river and through the woods

Over the river and through the woods
To Grandmother's house we go.
The horse knows the way to carry the sleigh
Through white and drifted snow.

Over the river and through the woods,
Oh, how the wind does blow.
It stings the toes and bites the nose
As over the ground we go.

Over the river and through the woods
To have a full day of play.
Oh, hear the bells ringing ting-a-ling-ling,
For it is Christmas Day.

Over the river and through the woods,
Trot fast my dapple gray;
Spring o'er the ground just like a hound,
For this is Christmas Day.

Over the river and through the woods
And straight through the barnyard gate.
It seems that we go so dreadfully slow;
It is so hard to wait.

Over the river and through the woods,
Now Grandma's cap I spy.
Hurrah for fun; the pudding's done;
Hurrah for the pumpkin pie.

-->  keywords 

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Row, Row, Row Your Boat

Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream.

-->  keywords

Did you ever see a horse fly

Did you ever see a horse fly,
a horse fly, a horse fly?
Did you ever see a horse fly,
a horse fly, fly, fly?

Did you ever see a board walk,
a board walk, a board walk?
Did you ever see a board walk,
a board walk, walk, walk?

Additional verses:

Shoe lace, hair pin, tooth pick, eye drop,
neck tie, moth bawl, eye lash, yard stick, ear drum, clam bake

-->  keywords



Tennessee  ( TN )





重要城市則有: 州首府是納士維,城市範圍最大。曼非斯人口最多,佔全州







           王(Elvis Presley)的故鄉。FedEx全球總部所在地。

三城區(Tri-City Area)




詹森城(Johnson City)





斯普林希爾(Spring Hill)-



NBA Basketball

               曼菲斯灰熊隊(Memphis Grizzlies)