

You know that Monday is Sunday's brother

You know that Monday is Sunday's brother;
Tuesday is such another;
Wednesday you must go to church and pray;
Thursday is half-holiday;
On Friday it is too late to begin to spin,
And Saturday is half-holiday again.

keywords :

Monday 星期一
Tuesday 星期二
Wednesday 星期三
church 教堂
pray 祈禱
Thursday 星期四
Friday 星期五
Saturday 星期六
Sunday 星期日

On Friday it is too late to begin to spinspin 本來是紡紗的意思,也是運轉的意思看報紙常見一句話:Let the spin begin!意思是:開始動工吧! 開始進行吧!而禮拜五快放假了,當然是太晚了。

