

knock hit strike punch swat smack

knock  相撞,碰擊

: to hit something (such as a door) with the knuckles of your hand or
  with a hard object (such as a knocker) in order to get people's attention
: to hit (something or someone) in a forceful way
: to touch or hit someone or something in a way that is not planned or intended

His legs knocked against the chair .

He knocked at the door and entered .
hit  打,打擊;擊中

: to move your hand, a bat, etc., quickly so that it touches
  someone or something in a forceful or violent way
: to cause (something, such as a ball) to move by hitting it forcefully
   with a bat, racket, etc.
: to touch (something or someone) in a forceful or
   violent way after moving at a high speed

A bullet hit him on the leg .   一顆子彈擊中了他的腿。

The ship hit a rock and wrecked .   船觸礁撞毀了

The ball hit against the window .   球撞在窗子上。
strike  打,擊,攻擊

: to hit (someone or something) in a forceful way
: to cause (something) to hit something in a forceful way
: to hit (someone or something) with your hand, a weapon, etc.

He was struck by lightning .   他被閃電擊中。

She struck him with a stick .   她用棍子打他。

Twelve has just struck .   剛剛敲過十二點。
punch  用拳猛擊

:  a tool usually in the form of a short rod of steel that is variously shaped at one end for different            operations (as forming, perforating, embossing, or cutting)
:  a short tapering steel rod for driving the heads of nails below a surface
:  a steel die faced with a letter in relief that is forced into a softer metal to form an intaglio matrix          from which foundry type is cast
:  a device or machine for cutting holes or notches (as in paper or cardboard)
:  a hole or notch from a perforating operation

I wanted to punch him for his betrayal .

When you punch the fourth button , a new network will flash on the screen .
swat  猛擊;拍打

: to hit (someone or something) with a quick motion
smack  捆,打

:  characteristic taste or flavor; also :  a perceptible taste or tincture
:  a small quantity

He smacked his son ' s face .   他摑了他兒子耳光。

We could hear the smack of waves against the side of the ship .

