

Drive into Danger Level 0

Learn English Through Story 16 Drive into Danger Level 0

table  桌子
arm  臂
license  駕照 ;許可,特許
passport  護照;通行證
I've get tables in Faversham and wine in Lyon
Faversham   法弗舍姆是英格蘭肯特郡的一個城市
Lyon  里昂,法國第三大城市,法國東南部羅訥-阿爾卑斯大區和羅訥省的首府
France  法蘭西,法國
overnight bags  過夜小提包
sleeping bag  睡袋
mobile phone  行動電話,便攜電話
ferry  渡輪,聯運船,擺渡船 ;擺渡;經營擺渡的特許權[
Dover  英國東南部的港口
Them take the ferry from Dover to Calais.
motorway  【英】高速公路
All truck drivers must stop for 45 minutes in every 4 hours.
Dijon  第戎,法國東部城市
truck stop  高速公路旁卡車司機常惠顧的加油站連餐廳
Reims   蘭斯(法國東北部城市)
make a phone call   打電話
They tell the man about Gary's arm
oily  (含)油的;多油的
Dijon is in Burgundy
Burgundy  勃艮第,又譯勃艮地 、布根地、博根地,法國中部大區
parcel  小包,包裹
drug  毒品
meter  【英】米,公尺
run into  撞上; 跑進
rubbish  垃圾;廢物
dump  髒亂的地方;下流場所
rubbish dump  垃圾掩埋場
skip  環保斗;英】(建築工地用的)廢料車,倒卸車
cafe  咖啡廳

fall tumble stumble trip

fall  落下;跌倒

: to come or go down quickly from a high place or position
: to come or go down suddenly from a standing position
: to let yourself come or go down to a lower position

最廣義的 fall

1. Hold  my  hand,  Gretel,  so  you  won't  fall  over  the  roots  of  the  trees.
                                                                                        << Hansel & Gretel sentence >>

2. Meantime he'll fall in love with somebody with beautiful long hair like I used to have.
                                                                                       << The Gift of the Magi sentence >>

3. Your  tears  falling  on  my  eyes  have  healed  them.
                                                                                         <<  Rapunsel sentence >>
tumble  跌倒;滾下;墜落

: to fall down suddenly and quickly
: to fall forward while turning over
: to fall or drop suddenly in amount, value, etc.

--> tumbler  翻筋斗者;雜技演員;鎖的制動栓

      He's drilling through to the tumblers.  <<   A Retrieved Reformation sentence >>

Tom tumbled over and hit his head on the concrete .  
stumble  絆腳,絆倒

: to hit your foot on something when you are walking or running so that you fall or almost fall
: to walk in an awkward way
: to speak or act in an awkward way

1. We've  stumbled  on  the  strangest  thing  I've  ever  heard  of  <<  Rapunsel sentence >>

trip  絆,絆倒 ; 旅行;航行

: to hit your foot against something while you are walking or running so that you
   fall or almost fall
: to cause (someone who is walking or running) to fall or almost fall
: to dance or walk with light, quick steps

1.  So she used her magic art to make Dorothy trip and fall.   << The Wizard Of Oz sentence >>



有的單字往往有幾十個解釋,根本無從下手。但從生活中所挑出的單字, 在這個句子裡, 解釋只有一兩個,這樣就可以背得很輕鬆 。便知道如何使用。

比方說,電影明星湯姆漢克有次出席派對,主人介紹他: " He only made hit. " 他只拍賣座電影

這個 hit ,有"打人"、"抨擊"、"譏諷" 等多重解釋,背也背不完。但在個個句子中 它只有一個解釋,就是 "賣座"之意 ( hit movice:賣座電影)。一次只要背一個就夠了 別給自己找麻煩。等下次遇到另一個句子:

" He hit me. " 他打我

這時候,就再多背一個吧。又如有人幫女孩子介紹男朋友, 結果看了不中意,便說:

" He is not my type. "

然而,type 又有另一個解釋:

" I typed the letter. " 我打這封信
一次來一個,不要貪心。先弄清楚這個單字、這個片語 用在何處,然後,在開始背各個解釋。這時讀來輕鬆容易,便能活學活用。

trunk truck

trunk  樹幹
truck  【美】卡車,載貨汽車


The very hungry caterpillar

caterpillar  毛蟲
moon  月球
leave  離開(某處)
pears  洋梨
plums  洋李;梅子
pickle  小黃瓜
salami  薩拉米香腸(義大利蒜味香腸)
lollipop  棒棒糖
Swiss  瑞士(人)的
cherry  櫻桃
sausage  香腸
slice  薄片,切片,片
leaf  leaves    葉子
cocoon  繭


cheat 欺騙;騙取,詐取

cheat  欺騙;騙取,詐取


把它拿出來特別講一下 !!!

cheat  欺騙;騙取,詐取

The salesman cheated me into buying a fake .

They cheated the old woman of her house and money .


為什麼 複數要加 S

YouTube " A brief history of plural word...s - John McWhorter  "

The Three Little Pigs (Level 1)

lived live  住,居住
cozy  舒適的;愜意的
journey  旅行
set out  動身, 開始
field  原野;田地;牧場
straw  稻草,麥稈[U]
sticks  枝條;柴枝
clever  聰明的,伶俐的
bricks  brick  磚;磚塊
thin  薄的;細的;瘦的
knocked  knock on  敲,擊,打
shivering  shiver  發抖,打顫
blow in  被吹進來
huff  蔑視;恫嚇  氣惱,憤怒
puff  一陣陣地吹(或噴)
huff and puff  氣喘吁吁
huff and puff 是句片語,意思是:一陣陣地吹氣,在恐嚇。
blow  吹,刮
not by  一點都不; 絕不
chimney  煙囪
chin  頦,下巴  與……聊天
not by the hair of my chinny chin chin!
immediately  直接地;接近地
tumbling  tumble  跌倒;滾下;墜落  打滾;輾轉;翻觔斗
luckily  幸運地;幸好
banged  bang  發出砰的一聲;砰砰作響
climbed  climb  爬,攀登;登上
roof  屋頂;車頂
sneaked  sneak  偷偷地走,溜
chimney  煙囪
placed  place  放置,安置;將……寄託於
pot  罐;壺;鍋[
bubbling soup 煮沸的湯
soup 湯
tail  尾巴;尾部

Learn English Through Story: The Three Little Pigs (Level 1)



後面加上    of      

afraid  害怕的,怕的

She  was  afraid  that  she  might  lose  her  job    .          

Don 't  be  afraid  of  snakes    .          

He  was  jealous  of  Tom's  wealth    .          

He  was  jealous  of  his  friend's  reputation .          
proud     驕傲的,有自尊心的

She  is  proud  of  her  accomplishments    .          

I'm  proud  to  be  your  friend    .          

If 假設語氣 conditionals = If / when

If 假設語氣 conditionals = If / when


100% 一定會發生;不管過去,現在,未來
Zero  :  If ice melts , it becomes water.

50% 極有可能發生
First : If I go to the movies, I will eat popcorn.
   probable                                 may
0% 不太可能發生(與現在事實相反)
second :  if I went to USA this weekend, I would go shopping.
                  if she were here , she would know the answer .

0% 一定不會發生(與過去事實相反), 發生時間為過去
third : if we had hurried, we wouldn't have missed the plane.
             I wish I hadn't make the mistake.

mixed: If i had married Joanne, I'd be happier now.
              If I hadn't drunk so much alcohol last night, I wouldnot be feeling so bad today.



例如 think 如果是 thought
要翻成 "以為 "會比較合宜。

We thought it our duty to take care of the orphans .

They thought the novel worth reading .

be going to  如果是  was going to
要翻成 "原本;本來 "會比較合宜。

I was going to keep this a secret

I know it  我知道了

I knew it  我早就知道了

同一件事實, 因為時間點的不同, 或是要表達的語意不同, 可以用不同的時態表達.
 不要被文法綁死, 但不是不甩文法. 反而要多方瞭解並活用

run for your life

run for your life
run for it

可翻作 " 逃命 "

The wolf saw the pot rolling towards him. He ran for his life.

Run for it - - he ' s got a gun !

They ran for it as soon as they heard the siren .  

0027-The Gift of the Magi - A Retrieved Reformation sentence

We're in a cell block in the Indiana State Prison.
You won't be makin' no more of them prison shoes.
I didn't mind the work. I get pretty good at it.
Ten to one you'll be back at that sewing machine in a year.
I've got a pardon here from the governor. Don't know what the man's thinking of.
The governor's a friend of a friend of mine.  州長是我朋友的朋友
Ten months out for a four-year sentence for bank robbery, and you're out.
I was railroaded.  我是被誣陷入獄的
yeah, that job in kokomo?
I was never in  Kokomo in my life. Can't even pronounce it.
Here's your paper. You're entitled to a suit of clothes and five dollars.
What happened to the tailor-made suit I was wearing when I came in here?
that was confiscated.
I hope it fits you, warden. And, and thank the State of Indiana for the suit and the fiver.
You ought to watch your tongue, Valentine. You'll be back here one of these days. Mark my

That's another round on me.
Just got off the train.
Duley, take the bar. I'll be in the back room. come on, Jimmy . Let me look at you.
you don't look too bad for ten months in the 'stir'.
I was hoping it wouldn't be that long.
oh,Jimmy, you won't believe how tough it is getting things to work out with the governor.
He's getting independent; he's forgotten who got him elected.
your room upstairs, by the way, is just the way you left it.
Good, I wanna get out of these prison duds.
They sure don't suit you. Here, here have a nip.
I never touch the hard stuff. My suitcase up there?
everything's there,just the way you left it when they picked you up.
I wouldn't wanna lose those tools.
That's big investment.
And you're going back to work right away,huh?
how can you think such a thing? I am here representing the New York Amalgamated Short

Snap Biscuit Cracker and Frazzled Wheat Company.
you're a card you are. But getting serious.
That's the first time I've done time, and I don't like it. I don't plan to do anymore.
But you're the best there is, Jimmy. No one, I say no one can crack a safe like you can.
Is that cop still around?
He's a big man now. He got promoted while you was in the pokey.
He's the head man now, the commissioner. He was in here yesterday for a beer. Asked after

What did he want to know?
Commissioner Price speaking.Where? Ellenville?How much did they get?
Five thousand? That's a good night's work.Clean as a whistle, eh? All right,
we'll get to work on it.
I hope he has a letter from Joe for me.
This is Elmore. That's where you wanted, hey mister.
look at him. He's a swell.
And he's, well, awfully good looking.
She's trying to say that's the Planters Hotel.
Right down the street there across from the bank.
If I'm not being too forward, almost as pretty as some of its inhabitants.
What a nice thing for you to say.Are you from Indianapolis?
I'm from the East. But I've spent some months in Indiana.
Are you going to be here in Elmore long?
Are you going to...to stop at the hotel?
That's my thought.
I must go down that way anyhow. you see my father owns the bank just across the street.
I'd be glad of your company. Shall we go?
Let me get my bike here, and I'll walk along with you.
Everything's so up-to-date here in Elmore, a boardwalk and boardwalk and everything.
I'd have bet a hundred dollars you were married. You're much too pretty not to be.
 I'm a loner.
What do you do? I mean, what kind of work?
What do I do? Well, I've been in several businesses. I'm thinking of opening a shoe store
We could use a good shoe store in Elmore. There isn't anybody here in that business.
We have to buy our shoes at Mr. Barrington's dry goods store, and his selection isn't very
Is that a fact?
if you needed money to open a store, I'd bet my father would lend it to you.
She's a forward little minx speaking to a total stranger like that, but I love her just the same.
She says you're thinking of opening up a shoe store here in Elmore.
I'm giving it some thought, Mr. Adams. I just thought I'd stop b y and get your opinion about

the opportunity here in this town.
you couldn't find a better opportunity anywhere than right here in Elmore.
We're going to get a spur from the railroad pretty quick.I predict Elmore
will double its population in the next five year.
I'd be glad to arrange a loan for you, if you need to open you store.
That's nice of you, Mr. Adams, but I'm pretty well-fixed at the moment.
And I own a business block over on Washington Street. That 's where everybody shops.
There's an empty store there that would be just right for your purposes.
You sure ou don't need money?
I never was one to turn down money from a bank.
I like the cut of your jib, young man. I'll set you up in business.
And I want you to come to my home, meet my other daughter,Audrey. she and her two
little ones are living with me while her husband is serving with the Army in Cuba.
Lost my wife two years ago.
You come for dinner tonight,and we'll talk about your future here in Elmore.
That's up to you. What have you heard from your buddy, Jimmy Valentine?
I haven't heard of the boy boy in months.
A fellow came into my office the other day, said he'd seen a picture of Valentine in the
Is that a fact now? Probably posing with some socialite, huh?
No,  it was a mug shot. We asked them to print it.
This fellow said he recognized Jimmy right away from the train outside of Ellenville,
about six weeks ago. Jimmy said he was thinking of going into the shoe business.
Because Jimmy got off at Ellenville, and that night someone cracked the bank there.
Got away with five thousand dollars. This's why.
I'm glad you came by, Ralph. I wanted to show you around the band. I'm mighty proud of
this place, you know? Built it up from scratch.
It's a fine looking institution, Mr. Adams.
We've been in business for 35 years. We started out in a little ( one-room building )
on Jefferson  Street, and now look at us!
You've got a humdinger here.
Five employees. Assets over $250,000. the is Bill Gregory, out head teller.
Pleased to meet you,Mr. Spencer.
And this is our vault. Of course it's a little old...lot of newfangled developments since we put

this one in 10 years ago.
Be a breeze. What's that you say?I'm going to ... sneeze! God bless you.
Never been broken into. However a banker friend over there in Ellenville was broken into a
few weeks ago. Robber got five thousands dollars, so I'm takin' no chances.
I've ordered another vault door with all the newest wrinkles. Be here in six months or so they

tell me.
That's sound thinking, Mr. Adams.
I'm so proud of you, Ralph. what you've done in less than a year is just wonderful.
I want you to know what I've done it just for you.
Before I met you, I wasn't ....wasn't the kind of person you'd want to marry.
I can't believe that.
It doesn't matter; you've given a whole new meaning to my life.
I can't wait to be married; I can't wait for us to start a family.
Store's done pretty well.
you're one of the most prosperous merchants in town.I was going to keep this a secret.
It's the first anniversary of the day you opened the store, silly. And do you know what daddy's
going to do?
It's a surprise.
Don't worry. Oh, you'll be so pleased.
music playing, sounds of celebration
Ladies and Gentlemen ! I've asked the town fathers to erect this (speaker stand) here in front
of Spencer Shoe Store,

so that I can make a little speech this afternoon to my friends and neighbors. First, I wanna

make an announcement, My daughter Annabel, whom you folks
all know, is going to be married two weeks from today, and the lucky fellow who has won
her hand,is none other than Ralph D. Spencer.

All right. This, this seems like a good time to announce the wedding date, because today is

the first anniversary of a highly successful now business here in Elmore - the greatest little city

in Indiana - Ralph D . Spencer Shoe Store. I want to say a few words about Ralph D.Spencer.
A fine citizen of this town you could not meet. Honest, right down to the ground; I trust him

with the last dollar in my bank. You've heard of 'Honest Abe'? Well, now meet Honest Ralph.
I couldn't find a better man to be my son-in-law.
can could  用法
I can't wait for us to start a family.
A finer citizen of this town you could not meet.
couldn't + 比較級
I  couldn't find a better man to be my son-in-law.
Marvin, I think we've got a hot lead.
Jimmy Valentine. You know that fellow on the train who identified Jimmy from his picture in

the paper?
He came by again this morning to tell me he finally remembered the name the fellow told
him when they were saying goodbye - Ralph D. Spencer.
when + 過去進行式 句型
What good does that do us. boss?
I've been collecting the names of shoe stores all over the State of Indiana.
Here's one in,in a little town called Elmore - Spencer Shoes. Owner : Ralph D. Spencer. I think
I'll just mosey out to Elmore.
I'll tell you why I sent Duley lookin' for you. I got a letter here from Jimmy Valentine.
I ain't heard from him in a dog's age. Where is he?
Dear old pal, you haven't heard from me in the past year, and I guss you're wondering what

happened to me.Well, Mike
I'm out of the business. Yep, I've gone straight.
Gone straight? The boy's sick!
there's more, even worse:
I've opened up a shoe store in a little town I won't tell you  the name of.
And as soon as possible I'm moving to California to get away from Ben Price.
I'm going to bring  the tools with me. You know they're worth a lot. I want you to give them to
Joe Casper.
It's enough to make a fella cry. A real gentleman-Gentleman Jimmy.
Joe taught me all I know. Will you get in touch with him, and tell him to meet me at your place

next Wednesday afternoon?
I'm a happy man. I've got a whole new life ahead of me.
for the love of all that's good and holy, can you believe that?
- 表達抱怨或是不耐煩的回應.可翻成[看在老天爺的份上]之類的.
例: 爸爸叫你去做家事,正在看連續劇的你終於被唸到受不了要去做了,這時你可能就會

說出: Oh, for the love of xxxxxxxxxxx, please stop nagging! I'll do it! (譯: 看在xxxx的份上,請


2010-07-09 00:21:28 補充:

- 對事情之嚴重性,表達驚奇的回應. 例: For the love of xxxx, what happened here? (譯: 天

吶, 這裡發生了什麼事?)

其中[xxxx]的部份可以自己發揮,不一定是[all that's good and holy.] 常用的還有[pete],

[God/Jesus], [all things sacred], 端看您想祭出什麼人事物來替代[老天爺]這部份. 這句型

和 [for the sake of xxxx] 和 [for xxx's sake] 類似.
I'm glad you could come for breakfast, son. You don't mind if I call you son, do you, Ralph?
after all...
No, sir. I'm honored.
I wish your mother was here. She'd be so happy. Well, we'd better get (on our way ).
Ouch! Mommy! Mommy! Tell Billy to stop pulling my hair!
Billy, you behave yourself.
She started it. I'm going to put her in jail.
Billy, behave yourself. Now , first we'll go down to the bank and see the safe. They
finished installing it last evening, Ralph, and we're putting it in operation this morning.
I'm very proud of it.  and Ralph, I appreciate you ( advice on ) the kind of vault door to buy.
it's dandy! Where'd you ever learn so much about that kinda thing?
When I graduated from college, I want to work for a bank vault company, but it wasn't my

Well, now you have to get your suitcase if we're gonna take you to the train after we finish
at the bank.
I'll pick it up at the hotel and meet you at the bank.
Good. All right everybody. Come on, kids, out of the house, and into the carriage.
It's still five minutes before we open the doors.
You are as responsible as anyone for this improvement to our vault.
Granddaddy, could you lock someone up in there?
Of course not. This is not for people, It's for money.
a person could walk right in- like this.
Now you stay out of there, May. and Billy,  keep your hands off that thing.
It looks very, very  strong.
It's the best you can buy.
Gregory, there's somebody standing at the door out front. See what he wants.
Tell him we don't open till nine o'clock.
The police?!
Keep your voice down!
I didn't mean to. I was just playing.
My grandson locked his sister in the safe.
The clock hasn't been wound, and the combination's not set.
there has to be a way to open it!
See if there's anyone, Good Lord, there's no one this side of Indianapolis.
There's only one man I know who could...
Hello, Commissioner. Where did you come from?
Just dropped by to pay me respects.
In my suitcase I have some tools that might do the trick.
Annabel, that rose you're wearing on your dress - give it to me, will you.
Thank you. Now give me room, everybody.
Drilling noises.
You've got to save her.
He's drilling through to the tumblers.
If anyone can, he can.
there, that should do it.
It's a miracle.
So, Ben, got around to me at last huh?
you're a hero!
No, Annabel, no. It can't be. All right, Ben, let's go!
Now, now just a minute, Mr. "Spencer."
I think you must be mistaken.
I never saw you before in my life. I've got the wrong man. Good day, all.
And that's the end of our story; an ending with a real "O. Henry twist "

0027-The Gift of the Magi - A Retrieved Reformation

A Retrieved Reformation
Jimmy Valentine
retrieve  重新得到,收回 <--> restore
reformation  改革,革新
suave  和藹的,文雅的
debonair  溫文爾雅的
robber  搶劫者,強盜
storyteller  講故事的人
tale  故事,傳說;敘述
crook  騙子;偷兒;壞蛋
recall  回想,回憶
see if  看看是否...
early  早期的,早先的,在前的
noted  有名的
cell  牢房
block  區
cell block  牢房區
guard  哨兵;衛兵;警備員;看守員
prison  監獄
Indiana State Prison 印第安那州監獄
warden  典獄長
sprung  spring過去分詞  獲釋  出獄  spring sprang sprung  springing
no more  不再
shoes  shoe  鞋子
mind  介意,反對
ten to one  十之八九; 非常可能地
sew  縫合;縫上;縫入
sewing machine   裁縫機
knock  相撞,碰擊
prisoner  囚犯
pardon   赦免狀
governor  州長
month  月
sentence  刑期
robbery  搶案  劫案
railroaded    railroad 過去分詞 以捏造不實之罪使入獄[
yeah  【口】是
job  【俚】犯罪行為(尤指搶劫)
kokomo  科科莫是美國印第安納州霍華德縣的縣治
pronounce  發……的音
entitled   entitle  過去分詞   給……權力(或資格)
a suit of  一套
tailor  (尤指男裝)裁縫師;(尤指男裝)服裝店
tailor-made suit  訂做的西裝
wearing  wear  穿著;戴著
confiscated   confiscate 過分  沒收,將……充公
fits  fit  合身  fit 沒有被動 過去式
fiver  【口】【美】五元鈔票
tongue  舌,舌頭
one of these days  不久;有這麼一天
mark my words  注意我說的話  我說的話是對的
laughing  笑的
shouting   叫喊聲
bar  酒吧
bartender  酒吧的侍者;酒保
round  (酒的)一巡
Mike  麥克
Duley  杜易
train  列車,火車
stir 【俚】監牢[U]
tough  堅韌的,牢固的,折不斷的
work out  能夠解決
independent  不把人放在眼裡。獨立的,自治的
elected   elect  選舉;推選
upstairs  adj  樓上的
duds  衣服,個人衣物
nip  一杯 少量
stuff  物品,東西
hard stuff   烈酒
tools tool 工具,器具
suitcase  手提箱
left leave  離開(某處
picked up   pick up  (指警方等)逮捕某人(如為訊問)
investment  投資;投資額;投資物
representing   represent  代表
amalgamate  聯合
short  鬆脆的;易裂的
snap  薄脆餅
biscuit  餅乾
frazzled  磨損的
wheat   小麥
card  特殊傢伙
serious  認真的;不是開玩笑的;當真的
done time , do time  【俚】服刑
there is  ph. 片語 有
crack  撬開
safe  保險櫃
cop  警察
promoted   promote   提升
pokey  口  監獄
captain  隊長
Ben Price  the captain
commissioner  局長
beer  啤酒
ask after  問候
phone  電話[U]
ringing ring   按鈴;搖鈴;敲鐘
speaking speak  說話,講話
Ellenville  艾爾維爾
thousand  一千的;一千個的
whistle  口哨;警笛;汽笛;哨子[C]
clean as a whistle  非常清白;指犯案時完全沒有留下罪證
work on  從事; 影響
hang  把……掛起  hangs up the phone
Marvin  馬文
mail drop  郵包
Audrey Adams  奧黛莉 亞當斯
Annabel Adams  安娜貝爾   亞當斯
mailman  送信人
Elmore  艾爾摩  地名
passenger   乘客
Mister   先生
swell  時髦的人
awfully  【口】極度地;非常地
Miss   (用於姓名或姓之前,尤指對未婚女子的稱呼)女士,小姐
planter  【美】種植園主,大農場主  Planters Hotel
across from  在...的對面
bank  銀行
forward  唐突的  魯莽的
pretty  (用於女性,小孩及小物件)漂亮的;秀麗的;可愛的
inhabitants    inhabitant  居民
Indianapolis  印第安納波里(美國印第安納州首府)
Indiana  美國印第安納州
east  東,東方
spent spend  過去分詞
thought  想法;見解
anyhow  無論如何,不管怎麼說
owns  own  擁有
glad  高興的,快活的
bike  自行車
walk along  沿著...走路
up-to-date  現代化的
boardwalk  木板人行道
married 已婚的
Mr. Right  真命天子
bet  以(錢,物等)打賭
hundred   一百
loner  單身;喜孤獨者
several  幾個的,數個的
businesses  business  職業;日常工作
in business
Barrington  巴靈頓
dry goods  乾貨
selection   選擇
lend  借貸
fella  傢伙 = fellow
stop in  中途作短暫訪問
chat  閒聊
minx 愛出風頭的姑娘
stranger   陌生人
stop by  串門子;
opinion  意見,見解;主張
opportunity  機會
spur  鐵路支線
railroad  鐵路
predict  預測
double  兩倍的;加倍的
population  人口
arrange  安排  準備
loan  借出,貸與
money  錢;貨幣,通貨
well-fixed  小康的;富裕的
at the moment  此刻, 現在, 目前(可指較短或較長的時間)
block  塊[(+of)];積木
everybody  每個人,人人,各人
empty  空的;未佔用的;無人居住的
purposes   purpose  目標  目的
turn down   拒絕(某人或其請求、忠告等
set up   建立
jib 船頭的三角帆
the cut of sb's jib   人的外貌(或姿態、風度等)
serving  serve   為……服務;為……服役
ones one  一;一個
army  軍隊
Cuba  古巴
yep  是;好( = yes )
future  未來;將來
heard   hear  聽說,得知  hear heard heard hearing
buddy  兄弟  夥伴
the other day  前幾天
seen seen  看到
picture  畫;畫像;圖片
newspaper  報紙,報
fact  事實
posing pose  擺姿勢
socialite  社會名流
mug  【俚】面部照片
mug  shot  警方的半身相片
print  刊印,發表
recognize  認出
go into  從事
cracked  crack  砸開,砰地一聲打開;強行進入
cracked the bank
came by  串門
built  up   build up  逐漸增加
scratch  抓;搔
from  scratch  從頭開始
institution  機構﹐團體
start out  開始
humdinger  美好的事物或人
got  get  過去分詞 獲得;得到;贏得  get got got getting
employees employee  受雇員工
assets  asset  資產
Bill Gregory  比爾。葛雷哥利
teller   銀行出納員
pleased    please   高興的,喜歡的;滿意的
Mr. Spencer  史賓塞
Henderson  韓德森
McCarthy  麥卡錫
vault  (銀行等的)金庫房  金庫
newfangled  新發明  新款式
developments  生長;進化;發展
breeze  [口語]輕鬆簡單的工作
sneeze  打噴嚏
god  (大寫)上帝,造物主
bless  為……祝福
take chances 碰運氣
broken into   break into  強行進入某處  break broke broken breaking
robber  搶劫者,強盜
wrinkle  [口語]獨特創作的發明
sound  健全的
thinking  思想的;有理性的;好思考的
be proud of   感到驕傲;以...為榮
less  較小的,較少的 little 比較級;little less least
in less
met meet 見;碰上  meet met met meeting
matter  事情;問題;事件
meaning  意思;含義
life  生命;生存
completely  完整地;完全地;徹底地
prosperous  興旺的,繁榮的
merchants  merchant商人
secret   秘密
tomorrow  (在)明天
anniversary  周年慶
silly  呆子,傻瓜
surprise  使吃驚,使感到意外
worry  使擔心,使發愁
pleased  高興的,喜歡的 please  pleased pleased pleasing
music  音樂;樂曲;音樂作品
playing  play  演奏;彈奏;吹奏;放音
sounds sound   聲音,響聲
celebration  慶祝
ladies  lady  女士,夫人,小姐
gentlemen  gentleman  紳士;有教養的男子
town fathers  鎮上的父老
erect  建造
speaker stand  講台
speech  演說,演講,致詞
neighbors  neighbor  鄰居;鄰近的人(或物)
announcement  宣布
folk  人們
fellow  【口】男人;傢伙;人
none  other  than  正是   就是;不是別人而正是
cheers  cheer  歡呼,喝采
wedding  結婚典禮
announce  宣布
highly  adv 非常,很,高度地
successful  成功的;結果圓滿的
citizen  市民  公民
honest  誠實的;正直的
words word  (簡短的)一句話
down to the ground  徹底  完全
heard of   hear of  聽到..事(消息)
trust  信任,信賴
last  最後的
Honest Abe   Abraham Lincoln   誠實的林肯
son-in-law  女婿
officer  警官,警察
officer  Marvin  馬文
lead  線索;引導;領(路)
identify  認出
remembered   remember  記得,想起,回憶起
boss  老板;上司;主人
collecting   collect  收集,採集;使集合
owner  物主;所有人
all over  到處, 各處
mosey  閒蕩  漫步
sent send  派遣,打發;使進
letter  信,函件
ain't  【口】= am not, are not, is not, have not, has not
dog's age   長時間
pal  哥們  好朋友
wonder  想知道;感到好奇
straight  誠實的,正大光明的
gone straight ,  go straight 改邪歸正
sick  噁心的
opened up  open up  開啟, 顯露, 首次顯現出來
as soon as  一...就..., 不遲於
possible  可能的
moving  move  使移動,搬動;開動
California   美國加州
get away from  離開, 逃離
tools  tool  工具,器具,用具
worth  有(……的)價值,值……
in touch with  與...有聯繫
taught   teach  教,講授;訓練  teach taught taught teaching
wednesday  星期三
ahead of  在……之前
holy  神聖的,供神用的
for the love of
all that is good and holy
believe  相信;信任
glad  高興的,快活的
mind  介意
after all  畢竟;究竟;到底
honored  honor 榮譽  尊敬  敬重
wish  但願
Ouch  哎喲!(突然疼痛時發出的聲音)
pulling  pull  拉,拖,牽,拽;搬走
behave  使檢點,使守規矩
jail  監獄;拘留所;監禁
finished  finish  結束;完成
installing  install  安裝
put  使處於(某種狀態)放,擺,裝
operation  操作
appreciate  感激
advice  on  忠告  警示
the kind of
dandy  極品  上品
graduated graduate  from 准予……畢業;授與……學位
college  大學;學院
line  興趣  行業;擅長;
suitcase  小型旅行箱;手提箱
kids kid  【口】小孩
carriage  四人馬車
still  還,仍舊  使靜止
anyoen  用於疑問句或if子句時)誰,任何人
responsible  有責任的 有功勞的
improvement 改善
lock  up  鎖起來
in there   在裡面       inside  out there outside
granddaddy   爺爺
keep off  遠離
hands hand
best  good  最高級
till  直到……為止
the  police  警察,警方
voice  聲音;嗓子
keep down
party  人
mean  (言詞等)表示……的意思
grandson  孫子;外孫
safe  保險箱
wound wind  上發條 ;轉動(把手),搖;(用絞車)絞起,吊起;風
                           wind wound wound winding
combination  密碼
set   設定
lord  貴族;(大寫)上帝,基督
Good Lord  老天爺
side  邊;面;側;端
dropped by  drop  by  順道拜訪  drop dropped dropped dropping
respects  respect  敬重,尊敬
pay one's respects  表達問候之意
trick  特殊的技能
room  空間;地方
drilling  drill  鑽孔
noises   noise  聲響;喧鬧聲[
got get  獲得;得到;贏得  get got got getting
tumblers  tumbler  鎖的制動栓
miracle  奇蹟;奇蹟般的人(或物)
get around to  抽出時間來做(或考慮)
at last  最後;終於
hero  英雄
now  用以改變話題或開始某話題
mistaken  mistake 弄錯,誤解  mistake  mistook mistaken  mistaking
saw  see 看見,看到  see saw seen seeing
twist  曲折 轉折

-->  0027-The Gift of the Magi - A Retrieved Reformation sentence


關於閱讀 [ 精讀、泛讀、隨便讀 ]







  1. 幫助寫作

   a. 讓孩子把一篇文章看或朗讀兩遍,第三遍時練習 summary



   b. 讓孩子把一篇文章看或朗讀兩遍,第三遍時,自己在紙上


  2. 幫助說話




  3. 增進遣詞用字







繪本 --> 童書 --> 少年書 --> 成人書。這裡是指 " 閱讀 ",不是聽。











in the way of

in the way of  尤其是

— used to indicate the type of thing that is being described, thought of, etc.

His parents offered him little in the way of emotional support.
[=they did not give him much emotional support]

How much money has she received in the way of campaign contributions?

I don't think there's anything in the way of a haircut that can make me like my gal less.



都遠不如你親自算 一次來的有效率。






跟述做得好 : 聽力 + 理解力





from  http://m.1111jewel.com/index.php?module=faq&mn=7&f=content&tid=16443











talk about prices 美元單位與價格說法


from  http://twolightplanet.blogspot.tw/2014/02/blog-post_893.html



元 = dollar
角 = dime
分 = cent
$0.01 = 1 cent
$0.10 = 1 dime = 10 cents
$0.50 = 50 cents
$1 = 1 dollar = 100 cents


$.01 = 1 cent = a penny
$.05 = 5 cents = a nickel
$.10 = 10 cents = a dime
$.25 = 25 cents = a quarter
$1.00 = 1 dollar = a buck

fiver  【口】【美】五元鈔票


美語裡價格的說法有完整的和簡化的,比如說,「$1.25」完整的說法是「one dollar and twenty five cents」但也可以簡單地說「one twenty-five」。但是要注意,超過一千(四位數)時就不能簡化了,只能說完整版的。
$1.33 → one dollar (and) thirty-three cents / one thirty-three
$13.79 → thirteen dollars (and) seventy-nine cents / thirteen seventy-nine
$110.99 → one hundred ten dollars and ninety-nine cents / one-ten ninety-nine
$134.10 → one hundred thirty-four dollars and ten cents / one thirty-four ten
$765.15 → seven hundred sixty-five dollars and fifteen cents / seven sixty-five fifteen


$1.07 - one o seven
$199.01 - one ninety nine o one

$3,495.99 → 3 thousand 4 hundred 95 dollars and 99 cents

百      100                    hundred
千      1,000                 thousand
百萬  1,000,000          million
十億  1,000,000,000   billion

兆      1,000,000,000,000  trillion


0027-The Gift of the Magi - The Gift of the Magi sentence

That sound you hear is an elevated train rushing up Sixth Avenue in New York City.
The year is 1902. It's a different world. ( One where ) a cup of coffee costs a nickel,
a postage stamp costs two cents, and that's what you pay for daily paper - two cents.
Can you hear the clopping of horses' hoofs and the creak of wagons ?
There's hardly an automobile of any sort; they haven't caught on yet.
And over there at the corner of 16th Street is Gorman's rooming house.
Mrs. Gorman gets eight dollars a week for that dingy little room right on the elevated train tracks. It 's rented by Jim and Della Young.
They've been married a year, and they're oh-so-in-love.

Jim has just come home from his job as a draftsman in an architect's office.
It's fierce to have to work that hard for twenty dollars a week . but thing will get better.
Kids across the street singing Christmas carols.
It's Monday, so day after tomorrow is Christmas.
Christmas is going to be so skimpy this year.
we don't even have a Christmas tree
You do love my hair, don't you?
I never saw anything like it.
We've gotta gotta get out of this place; I can't even kiss my girl in peace and quiet.
Look how big the flakes are. Won't  last long.
Still a lot of people out shopping.
Look at them all over there in front of the jewelry shop. I wonder what' s got
them hooked.
Putting the rings on his toes,huh?
Excuse me, sir what's the crowd about?
Claim they have the largest topaz in the world in the window there.  I think it's glass.
It's too heavy. You'd have to put your hand in a sling.
Certainly is a big one.
It would be just right with your granddaddy's watch.
It says so right there beside it. That's more than a week's pay for me. come on.
I'm gonna make this town sit up  and take notice.(make +O+Vo 句型)
You'll have the world's largest topaz, and tortoise shell combs in that beautiful hair;
and the combs will be inlaid with diamonds. you wait and see.
Della get down the little jar( where she kept the pennies and nickels she'd been so carefully saving )ever since their wedding day.
What can I buy him for a dollar eighty-seven cents?
You and Jim have a fight or something?
But you look like you're about ti burst into tears.
that's all I've got( in the world )to buy a Christmas present for Jim.
What can I get for a dollar eighty-seven cents, for heaven's sakes?
1. 在疑問字(wh-word)後面上副詞 on earth,其意義是「到底;究竟」,表加強語氣。
2. 與 on earth 同樣用法與意義的副詞另外有:
ever, the devil, the hell, in the world, in the name of common sense
1. 你們到底在談論些什麼?
What on earth are you talking about?
2. 你究竟要求什麼?
What in the world did you ask for?

I saw a rocking chair in the furniture store down the street for a dollar and a half. 一塊半
He'll treasure all his life.
That would set you back some.
Sell my hair? You can't be serious.
How long is your hair?
Golly, it reaches below your knees!
Another girlfriend of mine sold her hair, not to Madam Sofronie, but that one really cut it
pretty short. I've gotta be honest with you.
And then what did your friend do? I mean, how did she fix her hair?
She put it up in curls, you know. And I've got to say,
she kinda looked like one of those Coney Island chorus girls.
You're getting set to do it, are't you!
Maybe.let's go down and talk to that Madam Sofronie.
I was thinking about a gold bracelet, maybe, Or...or even one of those,
you know, pearl necklaces with the cultured pearls, but forget it .
After ( the pay cut ) we got, it's not in the cards.
after : 介係詞
Della and I even priced them. Do you know how much they are?
Twenty-five bucks!
Ew! This's highway robbery.
that's what the clock ( out there ) says.
I told you it belonged to my grandfather.
You fellas going to spend the whole morning gossiping, like a couple of old ladies over the back fence?
Back across town, Della and Mabel are standing in the street in front of a shop (bearing a sign)
which reads, " Hair Goods, Bought and Sold - Madam Sofronie."
That thing sure makes a peck of noise.
I'm half scared to death.
if you decide you don't what to do it, you can always leave.
Is there anyone here ?
I'm comin'. I'll be there right away.
Let your hair down, Del, so she can see what she's buying.
isn't that a fine-looking head of hair.
Della here wants to know how much you'll pay her for her hair.
but cut it off just below the shoulders.
that's two and  a half feet or so...Twelve dollars.
If you cut it off close, what would you give her?
she's got an Irish temper. You're as Irish as I am.
I thought "Sofronie" would be Italian or something.
I'm as Irish as Paddy's pig.
My born name's O'Callahan. Sofronie was my husband.
It has the right sound for the hair business. kinda chic, don't you think?
It surely is.
thank you very much, Madam Sofronie, for your time.
It bein' the Christmas season and all...twenty dollars it is. but I want
you to understand I'll be cuttin' it pretty close.
A Christmas present from me to you.
Let's get on with it. here, sit right down here in this chair. I'll get me scissors.
It'll only take a minute, girl. I'll have it off in no time at all.
You're getting twenty dollars. That's what you want, and that's what you want,
and that's what you need to buy the present for Jim, so don't lose your nerve.
You can look in the mirror or not as you like.
Might as well look. You're gonna have to face up to it sometime.
Your hubby will say he never saw the like.
My hubby will kill me, and I won't blame him.
you see how quick it is; I'm half done already.
there must be two pounds of it here.
Your head's going to feel a whole lot lighter,girl
Now there's a girl with a head on her shoulders. I'll get it for you right away.
it's in the backroom.
I'll need all the luck I can get.
The damage was done. Del and Mabel hurried home through the snow to see if
there was any way to conceal, repair or improve the carnage wrought by Madame
Sofronie's busy scissors.
We need to light the gas on the stove so we can heat the curling iron.
look how I look, isn't that the worst?
It's not as though you lost an arm or a leg or something.
it's just hair, and it'll grow back again. So it will take a little time. So what?
So, meantime he'll fall in love with somebody with beautiful long hair like I used to have-
that's so what.
Look, honey, just put your mind on that platinum watch fob you're going to buy Jim.
Just remember,  you got a twenty-dollar gold piece to buy it with.
Now, let's get to work on your hair, We're going to make it all little curls, all over your head.
Jim will love it.
But finally the job was done, and any  fair-minded person would have to agree that Della
looked as cute as a bug's ear. Her head was all-over curls. She did look a little boyish. and
in the fashions of the time, that was somewhat out of place, but she tried to ignore the long stares as she and Mabel hurried across the street late in the afternoon to Mr. Feldstein,
the jeweler where (the precious platinum watch fob) lay.
Will you stop that? You're getting me nervous. Of course he hasn't sold it. Here we are.
Let's get through the crowd here.
It's gone! It was right there beside the topaz.
I will be with you in a moment.
I  have a customer.
The customer left a deposit in the watch fob at noon today, and he said that he would be by by five o'clock to pick it up. But the watch fob is sold.
if he doesn't get here by five o'clock we'll simply sell the watch fob to someone else.
She has the money right there in her purse. and if he isn't here by five o'clock, at
one second after five, we want that watch fob.
The minutes ticked by. Della and Mabel kept their eyes fastened on the front door to the store.
Every time a man walked in, the girls' heart sank. but, no one asked for the watch fob.
your own clock up there on the wall is saying it.
a gold piece and four quarters.  一枚二十塊金幣和四枚兩毛五
These ladies want to purchase the platinum watch fob - the one there's a deposit on.
The customer said he would be by to pick it up at five o'clock.
I think we ought to give the customer who put down the deposit...uh... a moment or
two of grace.
Wrap up the watch fob, Henry, and make a pretty package of it for this pretty young lady.
that's the nicest thing you ever said.
Pretty as a picture,  and I hope your husband enjoys the watch fob and appreciates it.
I hope it looks wonderful on his watch. Merry  Christmas to you.
what a noble thing to do for her husband, I wish to him...well, never mind.
Henry brought back the watch fob, wrapped in the most beautiful paper Mr. Feldstein could provide. Now Della was radiant and full to bursting with the Christmas spirit.
As they crossed Sixth Avenue, the girls heard the carolers who had been there the night before.
Jim probably won't be home till seven o'clock. Let's stop and listen a minute.
I'd better be getting home. I wanna get things tidied up before I have to face Jimmy
with my boy's haircut. I feel so much better now, now that I have his present right here in my
It's what I give him that counts with me. I suppose it'll be something simple: a box of
candy or something, because he's just as broke as I am, and he doesn't have any hair
to sell.
That's the first laugh I've heard out of you today.
I know, but I'm still scared.
Della dropped Mable at the door, then she primped and tidied up the drab little room as
best she could and waited for the man she loved. Promptly at seven, she heard those familiar footsteps on the stairs. She took a deep breath, posed herself on the corner of the table and waited.
Don't you like me just as much anyhow? I'm me even without my hair. Jim.
I feel so good in your arms.
Don't make any mistake about me, gal... I don't think there's anything in the way of a
haircut that can make me like my gal less.
--> in the way of
here ,here's something I bought you. Let me
get it out of my pocket here. If you'll unwrap that package, you may see why you had
me going there as first.
You'll have to look at the time a hundred times a day now.
I wanna see what it looks like it.
Let's put our Christmas presents away and keep 'em a while. They're too nice to use at present.
I sold my watch to buy you the combs.
But in a last word to the wise these days, let it be said that of all those who give gifts,
these two young lovers were the wisest.
As Jim and Della clung to one another, out in the snowy street below, the carolers' voice rose to greet Christmas, and nowhere was the spirit of Christmas more real than in that
little room overlooking the elevated train in New York town. Quietly, the young lovers listened.
it's the very best Christmas anyone could ever have.
Gift of the magi, one of the world's best stories, was written by william Sidney Porter, better known as O.Henry. thank you for spending a little bit of Christmas with us.

0027-The Gift of the Magi - The Gift of the Magi

narrator  敘述者,講述者
gift  禮品
magi    (聖經)東方三博士
elevated  elevate  升高的,提高的;高的;高層的
elevated train  高架鐵道火車
rushing    rush  衝,奔,闖
avenue  大街,大道
Sixth Avenue   第六大道
New York City  紐約市(美國紐約州東南部)
one where
nickle  美金五分錢  --> talk about prices
postage   郵資,郵費
stamp  郵票
postage  stamp  郵票的錢
daily  每日的;日常的
the daily paper  報紙
season  季,季節
snow  雪
ground  地面
clopping  馬蹄聲
hoof  蹄
creak  發出咯吱咯吱聲
wagon  (四輪)運貨馬車
hardly  幾乎沒有
automobile  【美】汽車
sort  種類
of any sort
caught on    catch on  變得流行
rooming house  有附家具的租貸的房子
Mrs.  (mistress之簡稱;用於已婚女性的夫姓或夫的姓名之前)夫人,太太
Gorman  高曼
dingy  暗淡的;昏暗的
track   軌道
married marry 過去分詞  和……結婚
rented   rent 過去分詞 租用,租入
come  come  的過去分詞  come came come  coming  來;來到
draftsman  製圖者
architect  建築師
poor  貧窮的,貧困的
dog-tired  筋疲力盡的
fierce  極端的 可怕的
hard  a. adv.  努力地;艱苦地
dollar  (美,加等國)元
carol  聖誕頌歌
caroler  唱聖歌者
across  橫越,穿過
street  街,街道
Monday  星期一
skimpy  貧乏的  不足的
Christmas   聖誕節,耶誕節
afford  買得起;有足夠的
honey  親愛的  蜂蜜
deserve   想要  應得
hair  頭髮
lip   嘴唇
saw see 的過去式  看見,看到 see saw seen seeing
gotta  have got to
peace and quiet  安寧;寧靜
even  加強語氣)甚至;連
Gramercy  park  葛瑪西公園
snowing snow 的進行式,雪,下雪  snow snowed snowed snowing
fun  娛樂,樂趣
dandy  漂亮的
flakes  flake  複數  小薄片
last  持續
in front of  在前面
jewelry  shop   珠寶店
wonder  納悶;想知道
hook  勾住;迷住
ring  戒指
toes toe  腳趾;足尖
huh  (表示疑問、驚奇或蔑視)嘿;哈
excuse  原諒
sir  先生,閣下
giggles    giggle  咯咯地笑
crowd  群眾
claim  宣稱
world  世界
window  窗,窗戶;(商店)櫥窗
topaz  黃晶,黃玉
glass  玻璃
pardon  原諒,饒恕
customer  顧客;買主
present  禮物,贈品
wear  穿著;戴著
heavy  重的,沉的
sling  (手受傷用的)吊帶  吊腕帶
Certainly   無疑地;必定;確實
platinum  白金
fob  懷錶短鍊
platinum watch fob  白金錶鏈
granddaddy    古董【口】祖父;外祖父
right  適當的,恰當的,適合的
quit  離開;退出
dreaming  有夢想的
beside   在……近旁;在旁邊
pay  薪水;工資
gonna  【美】【口】= going to
sit up  坐起來(因為感興趣驚訝)
take notice  注意
tortoise  【動】陸龜;龜,烏龜
shell  殼,果殼;莢
tortoise shell  玳帽  -->   玳帽
tortoiseshell  仿玳瑁  龜甲,鱉甲
combs  comb  梳子
inlaid   inlay 過去分詞  鑲嵌的;鑲飾的 inlay inlaid inlaid inlaying
diamonds  diamond  複數    鑽石
jar  罐子
pennies  penny  面額小的硬幣
nickles  nickle  (美國和加拿大的)五分鎳幣
ever since  從什麼時候起
wedding  結婚
left  leave 的過去式  剩下
cents  cent  分(美、加等國的貨幣單位,為dollar的1%)
Del  Mabel  Della's friend
nice   好的;美好的
fight  吵架
be about to  即將, 正要
burst  爆炸;破裂
burst into  突然發出
dollar  (美,加等國)元
in the world  (強調疑問詞) 究竟;到底
for heaven's sakes  看在老天爺的份上
rocking chair  搖椅
furniture  傢俱
treasure  珍藏
Feldstein's  Jewelry Store   window  費爾斯坦珠寶店櫥窗
fell in love with  愛上
set back  回到過去是指花費大筆錢
Madam  (對婦女的恭敬稱呼)夫人,太太,小姐
block  街區
serious   認真的;嚴重的
Madam Sofronie  索弗朗妮夫人
golly  天呀
reaches  reach  達到
below  在下面;到下面
knees  knee   膝蓋
girlfriend  女朋友
sold  sell過去式  賣,銷售
pretty  相當,頗,很,非常
short  短的;矮的
honest  誠實的
fix  ;整理;收拾
kinda  的一種;……的一類(= kind of
curl   捲曲的頭髮
Coney Island  康尼島
chorus  合唱團
curling iron   燙髮鉗
set   準備好的
other  (兩者中)另一個的;其餘的
side  邊;面;側;端
town  鎮;市鎮
architect  建築師;設計師
maybe  有可能
subject  主題;題目;題材
conversation  會話,談話;非正式會談
bracelet   手鐲
pearl   珍珠
necklace   項鍊
cultured  有教養的;有知識的;文雅的
cultured pearl   養珠
pay cut  減薪
in the card  可能會發生的
priced  price  的過去式  問價錢;詢價
buck  1元
highway  robbery   攔路搶劫
exactly  確切地,精確地;完全地
keep good time  準時
darn  =  damned   非常
belonged  belong 過去分詞  (在所有權等方面)屬於
belong to  (在所有權等方面)屬於
grandfather  祖父;外祖父
solid   純的,純粹的;固體的
solid  gold  純金
fellas   fellow  【口】男人;傢伙;人
fella  傢伙
gossiping   gossip   說長道短
fence  籬笆
back fence  後院籬笆
spend  花時間  someone spend time + Ving
bearing  bear 現在分詞  支持,承受;承擔
sign  招牌
goods  商品
sure  確實
a peck of   許多  大量
noise  喧嘩聲
half  一半,二分之一
to death  極度
scared   scare  驚嚇  恐懼
decide  決定;決意
right away  立刻, 馬上
away  離開 不在;外出
dearies   dearie  複數  親愛的
shoulder  肩膀
or  so  左右;大約
feet  ft  呎 1 feet = 30.48 cm ,1 inch = 2.54 cm  最多有11 inch
faith and begorrah  【愛爾蘭語】天啊
Irish  愛爾蘭人;愛爾蘭語
temper  情緒;性情
...or something  ...之類的
paddy  愛爾蘭人
kinda  ]……的一種;……的一類(= kind of)
chic  時髦的
surely  確實,無疑,一定
stubborn  倔強的,頑固的
get on with   繼續做某事(尤指中斷後)
chair  椅子
scissors  剪刀
off  (離)開,(走)開,(隔)開
at all  根本, 到底; 完全
in no time  很快   I'll have it off in no time at all.
cry  哭
lose  失,丟失,喪失
nerve  勇氣  lose nerve
mirror  鏡子
as...as    or...as            or not  as
face up to  勇敢地對付; 面對事實
hubby  【口】丈夫
blame  責備,指責
quick  快的,迅速的
terrible  可怕的,嚇人的,可怖的
pounds   pound  磅
lighter  輕多了
backroom  後面的房間;幕後  【口】不公開的
skinned skin  剝了皮的
rabbit  兔子
shiny  發光的
damage  損害;損失
conceal  隱蔽,隱藏
repair  修補  修繕
improve  改善  改進
carnage  大屠殺
wrought  work  【古老的用法】過去式  行為;作用
hurried  hurry 的過去式    使趕緊;催促
gas  瓦斯
stove  爐子
heat  把……加熱;使暖
curling  頭髮的捲曲
iron  熨斗  鐵;(食物中所含的)鐵質
curling iron  燙髮鉗
worst  bad  最壞的;最差的
as though  好像, 似乎
meantime  其時,其間[
so what  這有什麼關係
fall in love with   愛上...
like  conj. 連接詞  【口】如同,好像
put one's mind to   專心於某事物
  內容是  put one's mind on
piece  錢幣;一個,一張
fair-minded   心智正常
cute as a bug's ear  很可愛
boyish  男孩似的
fashions   fashion(服飾等的)流行式樣;時尚,風氣
somewhat  有點,稍微
out of place   不適合的
tried try 過去是 試圖;努力[+to-v]
ignore  忽略  忽視
stare    盯,凝視
Mr. Feldstein   費爾斯坦
jeweler  珠寶商
precious  寶貴  貴重的
lay lie 過去式   lie lay lain lying  (東西)被平放
stop  停止;中止,止住
nervous  神經質的;緊張不安的[
gone  go的過去分詞  遺失了的;無可挽回的
moment  瞬間;片刻
customer   顧客
left  leave  的過去式  留給
noon  正午,中午
deposit   訂金
pick   up   領取
faint   昏厥  昏過去
simply  僅僅 只
else  (常與or連用)否則,要不然
purse  錢包  手提包
second  (時間,角度的)秒
minute  分(鐘)(時間單位)
ticked   tick  鐘,表等的)滴答聲
fastened   fasten  紮牢;繫緊
asked  ask  過 問;詢問
sank   sink  下沉
chime  鐘聲
quarter  四分之一;四等分之一
purchase  買,購買
ought to  應該
grace  寬限
gracious   優雅的  仁慈的
My gracious  我的老天!
interesting  有趣的;引起興趣的
wrap up  包裝
package  包裹
appreciate  體會 感激
noble  高貴的,高尚的,
never mind  沒關係; 不介意; 別擔心
provide  提供
radiant  光芒四射的;明亮照耀的
bursting  burst  許多的;充滿的;擠滿的
brought  bring 過
spirit  精神,心靈[
carolers  caroler  唱聖歌者
probably  大概,或許,很可能
tidied  up   tidy up 過 過分   收拾  整理
counts  count   重要
suppose  猜想,以為
broke   身無分文  破產
dropped  drop  丟下,扔下;降低
primped  primp  整理;打扮;裝飾
drab  單調的;無趣的
promptly  準時地,正好
footsteps  footstep  腳步聲
stairs   stair   樓梯
familiar  世所周知的;熟悉的;常見的
breath  呼吸
posed pose  擺姿勢
just as  如同  just as + adj/adv
anyhow  無論如何,不管怎麼說
arms arm  臂
mistake  弄錯,誤解
gal 女孩子;少女
in the way of   尤其是
less  較小的,較少的
bought buy    買,購買
pocket  口袋
unwrap  打開包裝
at first  最初
expensive  高價的;昂貴的
afford   買得起、負擔的起
completely  完整地;完全地;徹底地
box  箱;盒;匣
at the time  在那時
hundred  一百
a while  暫時; 一會兒
at present  目前, 現在
magi  (聖經)東方三博士
babe   嬰孩
wise  有智慧的;聰明的
manger   馬槽
wisest  wise  最高級  有智慧的;聰明的
clung cling 過去式,過去分詞  黏著;纏著;緊握不放
one another  互相(指三者以上)
snowy  雪的;下雪的;多雪的
rose  rise  過去式   rise rose risen 上升;升起;上漲
spirit  精神,心靈
overlook  眺望;俯瞰
stories  story  故事
william Sidney Porter
spending spend  花(錢),花費
Casper  清白者,加斯帕
Melchior  光明之王,梅爾基奧爾
Balthasar    巴爾撒澤
Bethlehem  伯利恆,耶穌誕生的地方
myrrh  沒藥(用作香料或藥品的一種樹脂)
Christmas Eve
Epiphany  基督教)顯現節

green Christmas  沒有雪的聖誕節
white  Christmas  有雪的聖誕節
Christmastime  Christmastide  聖誕節節期 12/24 ~1/6 主顯節
Christmassy  有聖誕氣氛的
Christmas card  聖誕卡
Christmas dinner  聖誕晚餐
Christmas day  聖誕節 12.25
Christmas carol  聖誕頌歌
Boxing Day 盒日:英國風俗 12.26  居民給僕人或清潔工等地賞錢
,裝在盒子給的 故名 Christmas box
Christmas stocking  聖誕襪
Christmas tree  聖誕樹
Saturn  農神
Christmas comes but once a year  聖誕節一年有有一次,應該幫助窮人
After Christmas comes Lent. 過了聖誕節就是四旬齋
He has eaten many a Christmas pie 他吃過許多聖誕餅( 表示年事已高 )

-->  0027-The Gift of the Magi - The Gift of the Magi sentence