- A carrion crow sat on an oak
- Ba, ba, black sheep
- Cock, cock, I have la-a-ayed
- Dickery, dickery, dock
- Elizabeth, Elspeth, Betsy, and Bess
- Father, father, I’ve come to confess
- Gang and hear the owl yell
- Hush-a-bye, baby, on the tree-top
- I had a little husband
- Jack Sprat would eat no fat
- King Cole was a merry old soul
- Little Bo-peep has lost her sheep
- Mistress Mary
- Needles and pins, needles and pins
- Once I saw a little bird
- Pease-pudding hot
- Queen was in the parlour
- Ride a-cock horse to Banbury Cross
- Simple Simon met a pieman
- Taffy was a Welshman
- Up hill and down dale
- Valentine, Oh, Valentine
- Where are you going, my pretty maid
- Cross X patch
- You know that Monday is Sunday’s brother
- Zodiac for the Nursery
03 教材小童詩
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