Beauty and the Beast part1 sentence


Once  upon  a  time  there  was  a  rich  ship  owner  who  had  two  daughters.
He  and  his  daughters  had  to  go  live in  a  tiny  cottage  deep  in  woods  where  nothing
was  easy  and  pleasant  as  it  had  been.
But  Beauty  was  cheerful  even  there  and  sang  as  she  worked  about  the  cottage
I'm  as  poor  as  ever
hard  luck
I  might  as  well  start  home  again  with  my  bad  news.
If  you're  traveling,sit,you'd  best  be  starting.  Those  clouds  look  ugly.
The  storm  grows  worse  every  moment.
Heaven  knows  what  the  poor  horse  fears  that  could  be  worse  than  this  night.
it's  as  mild  as  a  summer's  night
you'll  find  dinner  waiting  you,and  every  comfort  for  the  night
Here  is  the  supper  table  set  and  waiting  for  you.
I'm  weary  enough  to  ask  no  questions.
That  sounds  fine  to  me.
It  rests  with  you.
Wasn't  it  enough  that    I  gave  you  freedom  of  my  castle,fed  you  and  sheltered  you?
I'll  show  you  by  eating  you  alive.
It  was  not  for  myself  that  I  wanted  the  rose.
when  I  left  home  I  asked  each  daughter  what  she  would  have  me  bring  back  as  a  gift.
I  can  take  Ethlinda  nothing  of  what  she  asked.
I  will  spare  your  life  on  one  condition--that  you  go  home  and  send  me  one  of  those
daughters  in  your  stead.
buy  my  life  with  one  of  theirs?
I  do  not  ask  you  to  force  either  of  them  to  come
How  can  i  ask  either  such  a  question.
How  could  either  agree  to  come?
if  neither  is  willing  to  come,  you  yourself  must  return.
I  only  pretended  to  accept  that  creature's  terrible  suggestion  so  I  could  see  you  both
once  more.
If  I  don't,  he  will  come  after  me  and  kill  me  here.
you  walk  right  into  his  clutches.
It  was  the  rose  I  asked  for  which  brought  about  this  misfortune.
let  us  be  on  our  way
Heaven  grant  that  even  a  beast  so  fearsome  as  he  is  will
be  touched  by  your  goodness  and  love.
Now,nervous  but  determined,they  are  entering  the  castle.
No  sign  of  anyone  anywhere.
you  have  kept  your  word  and  brought  one  of  your  daughters.
Silence!  Have  you  come  willingly,  Beauty?
Will  you  be  content  to  stay  here  when  your  father  goes  away?
if  that  is  the  price  of  my  father's  life.
It  will  not  be  long  journey  as  you  travel  this  time.
You will  then  be  carried  swift  as  the  wind  out  and  over  the  land  and  placed  safely
in  your  own  home.
Say  whatever  your  heart  tells  you  to.
It's  growing  late.
No  harm  will  come  to  you.
And  everything  that  can  be  done  to  make  you  happy  will  be  at  your  command.
Be  not  misled  by  appearances.
do  not  judge  by  what  you  see  on  the  surface.
How  long  is  it  since  I  came  to  this  mysterious  castle?
My  heart  ached  for  him.
you  mustn't  cry  and  spoil  your  pretty  eyes.
I  long  to  see  my  father  and  my  sister
you  would  leave  a  miserable,  unhappy  beast  alone.
Should  you  be  longer  than  that,  you  will  be  too  late.
So  be  it  then.
I  didn't  realize  how  much  you  meant  to  me  until  i  feared  you  were  dead.
I  was  under  an  enchantment,  Beauty  dear,    condemned  to  live  as  that
hideous  Beast,  until    a  maiden  would  appear  who  would  have  the  courage  to  marry  the  ugly  Beast
of  her  own  free  will.
could  I  hope  to  be  set  free
Bless  you  both!  and  may  you  live  happily  ever  after.

