line rope cord string wire


line  線

: a long narrow mark on a surface
: a mark on the ground that shows the edge
  of the playing area in a sport
: an area or border that separates two places

A small group of soldiers were parachuted behind enemy lines .  

The streets were lined on both sides with people .  
rope  繩,索

: a strong, thick string that is made by twisting
  many thin strings or fibers together
: a string on which a number of similar things are held together
the ropes : the special way things are done at a particular place
  or in a particular activity

This ladder is made of rope .  

I bought a beautiful rope of pearls .  

The animals have been roped together .  
cord  細繩,粗線

: a long, thin material that is usually thicker than
  a string but thinner than a rope
: an electrical wire that is wrapped in a protective
  covering and used to connect a device to a power source
: a part of the body that is like a string or rope

She bound the parcel with a cord .  

Susan and her fiance think of their letters as cords of love .  
string  細繩

: a long, thin piece of twisted thread that you use to
  attach things, tie things together, or hang things
: a group of objects that are connected with a string, wire, chain, etc.
: a series of similar things

I need a piece of string to tie this parcel up .  

There are four strings on a violin .  

These girls are stringing pearls .  
wire  絲

: a thin, flexible thread of metal
: a thread of metal that is covered with plastic,
  rubber, etc., and used to send or receive electricity or
  electrical signals
: a small microphone that is worn under clothing in order to
  secretly record a conversation

steel wire   鋼絲

He wired the basket to the bicycle .  

line  >  rope  >  cord  >  string  > wire

