0026-Rapunsel sentence


Next  door  lived  a  witch,  in  a  garden  filled  with  magic  lettuce  ,  which  would  heal  any  illness.
Her  husband  braved  the  danger  of  the  witch  to  buy  some  of  the  lettuce.
After  I  told  you,  you  couldn't  have  it.
I  have  quite  a  score  to  settle  with  you    我要好好跟你算這筆帳
my  little  wife  says  she  will  die  unless  she  has  some  of  the  magic  lettuce.
Have  pity  on  me.
I  didn't  want  to  steal  it.  I  tried  to  by  it  first.
You  were  honest  with  me.
I'll  make  a  bargain  with  you.
if  you  will  promise  that  should  you  ever  have  a  daughter,  you'll  give  her  to  me
for  my  own.
I  shall  put  a  curse  on  you  and  your  wife.
I  swear  our  first  daughter  will  be  yours.
I  have  your  word,  and    I'll  hold  you  to  it.
look  how  she  wrinkles  up  her  funny  little  nose.
something  that  goes  with  her  beautiful  golden  hair.
the  name  must  be  as  beautiful  as  she  is.
a  bargain's  a  bargain.
I  wish  to  have  your  daughter.
I  know  what  I  shall  named  her  -  Rapunzel.
That  means  '  little  salad  ,'  for  that's  how  i  got  her.
If  you  hadn't  wanted  the  salad,  I  shouldn't  have  had  her  (句型如果不是,我就不會)
you  shan't  have  her  ,  you  shan't  (shan't  =  shall  not)
You  brought  this  on  yourself.
Mother  of  the  witches...attend  me  ...turn  these  people  into  stone  until  I  have  taken  the  child
that  belongs  to  me  away...
Tomorrow  you  pack  your  basket,  comb  out  your  hair,  and  braid    ,it  tightly  and  be  ready  to  go  with  me.
I  don't  intend  to  have  it  trailing  over  the  meadow.  and  have  everything(  you  want  )packed
in  your  basket.We'll  be  gone  a  long  time.
how  can  I  go  up  and  down  from  the  tower  without  stairs  ?
you'll  stay  there  until  I  see  fit  to  bring  you  back.  Until  then  you  will  see  only  me.
Why  do  you  punish  me  as  if  I'd  done  something  terrible?
I'm  going  to  turn  you  into  a  powerful  witch.
there's  a  reason  why  you  have  such  long  golden  hair,too.
you'll  climb  up  first  on  a  rope  ladder,  which  I'll  take  away  once  you're  up  there.
I  shall  stand  below  the  window.
When  I  call,  you  will  let  down  your  long  braids,  and    I  shall  climb  by  them.
Because  I  know  what  is  best  for  you.
Now,  pack  your  basket  and  start  braiding  your  golden  hair.
Another  sound  out  of  you  and  I  shall  beat  you  until  you  can't  stand.
If  the  birds  find  comfort  in  their  song,  perhaps  I  can,too.
By  all  the  gods,  I  intend  to  find  out.
A  voice  like  that  must  belong  to  a  very  beautiful  girl.  Listen  !
like    conj    【口】如同,好像
there's  a  tower  that  reaches  far  above  the  trees.
We've  never  seen  that  before.
I  must  know  the  possessor  of  such  a  voice.
We'll  find  out  something  important  for  us  to  know.
would  tear  a  person  to  pieces  with  their  thorns  and  sticks.
我認為這句應該是巫婆要去找Rapunzel時,  經過一堆樹叢,  怕被那些刺和樹枝割到,
所以,  她說:  (這些樹叢)  它們的尖刺和樹枝會將人割傷..

let  down  your  hair  that  I  may  climb  without  a  stair.
this  ladder  is  bad  enough  to  climb  without  you  weaving  around.
I  shall  die  if  I  can't  sing.
There's  nothing  else  to  live  for.
you'll  live  and  learn  to  work  enchantments,  and  mix  magic  potions.
you'll  grow  old  and  ugly  like  me.
I  must  get  back  to  my  hut  and  dig  in  the  garden.
why  don't  you  kill  me  and  be  done  with  it?
I  enjoy  thinking  what  an  excellent  magic  worker  you'll  be.
I  won't  let  down  my  hair  for  you  to  climb  on,even  if  i  die.
I'll  fix  her  for  this  disobedience    .
she'll  pay  for  this.  wait  and  see    (走著瞧)
Did  you  see  that  lovely  face  as  the  girl  leaned  out  of  the  windows?
We've  stumbled  on  the  strangest  thing    I've  ever  heard  of  我所聽過的
  Knowing  you  as  I  do.
I  shall  call  as  the  witch  did.  and  then  we  shall  see  what  happens.
I  rather  imagined  that's  what  you'd  do.
you'll  come  with  me  and  be  the  lookout  to  warn  me  if  the  old  hag  returns.
I  don't  want  harm  to  come  to  the  girl.come,  We'll  return  at  dusk.
Having  imprisoned  the  lonely  Rapunzel  in  the  tower,  the  witch  reaches  her  by  climbing
up  the  long  golden  braids  of  hair.
a  prince  rode  by  and  heard  Rapunzel  singing.
It  is  now  dark  as  the  prince  and  his  friend  Edward  stand  at  the  foot  of  the  tower.
Make  your  voice  light.
You've  never  come  to  me  before  after  dark.
The  night  air  makes  me  hoarse.
It  seems  you're  heavier  than  you're  ever  been.
I  wouldn't  have  harm  come  to  you  for  all  the  wealth  in  the  kingdom.
The  beauty  of  your  voice  alone  was  enough  to  intrigue  me.
what  are  you  doing  shut  up  like  this?
the  most  dreadful  thing  of  all.
she  intends  to  make  one  of  me.  too.    (one    =    witch)
How  unspeakably  awful  !
You  mustn't  stay  here  any  longer.
you  have  a  right  to  a  happy  life  of  your  own.
she  would  kill  me  before  she'd  let  me  go.
to  the  rest  of  the  world.  perhaps.
but  to  you,  lovely  one,  just  an  ordinary  person  who  kneels  at  your  feet    
and  kisses  your  hand,  in  tribute  to  your  perfect  beauty
My  heart  is  singing  with  happiness.
How  dare  you  question  me  ?
You're  all  wrapped  up.
A  screech  owl    called  three  times  last  night  to  warn  me.  that's  what  he  meant.
I  dare  not  lie  to  you.
I  beg  of  you,  please.
Me,  Witch,  who  knows  your  every  thought  as  soon  as  you  do.
and  just  wait  until  he  sees  who's  holding  these  golden  braids  for  him  to  climb.
If  you  want  him  to  live,  keep  still.
If  you  don't  want  him  with  a  broken  neck,  say  nothing  else.  I  warn  you.
Aren't  you  glad  this  is  the  last  time?
Quite  a  surprise,  isn't  it?
Better  stay  on  the  window  sill.
Prepare  to  reach  ground  more  quickly  than  you  came  up.
My  fine  young  prince  ,Pick  yourself  up  out  of  those  thorns  and  brambles  if  you  can.
The  thorns  have  blinded  me....I  can't  see.
Are  those  tears  from  your  eyes  or  mine,  My  dearest    Love?
My  eyes  shall  see  for  both  of  us.
My  face  is  wet  with  your  precious  tears.
Your  tears  falling  on  my  eyes  have  healed  them,  my  dear.  My  eyes  are  well  again.
that  dreadful  woman  has  failed  in  every  wicked  thing  she's  tried  to  do.
Evil  can  never  overcome  good.
Our  love  for  each  other  had  destroyed  her  power.
she  is  the  prisoner  of  the  tower  now.  and  she  shall  stay  there  until  she  changes  her  ways.
For  within  an  hour,  the  wedding  chimes  of  the  castle  will  ring,  and  you  shall  be  my  queen.
To  the  end  of  the  world  with  you,  my  prince.

