thing stuff matter affair event


thing   事情,物,東西 

: an object whose name is not known or stated
: an object, animal, quality, etc., of any kind
: a particular event, occurrence, or situation

I can ' t see a thing in the dark room .

We asked our group leader what was the next thing we had to do .
stuff   物品,東西:材料,原料

: materials, supplies, or equipment
: a group or pile of things that are not specifically described
—used to speak in a general way about something
that is talked about, written about, etc.

Some parts nowadays are made of plastic or similar stuff .

I ' ve got quite a lot of stuff to read .
matter  事情;問題;事件

: something that is being done, talked about, or thought about
matters : the situation or subject that is being discussed or dealt with
physics : the thing that forms physical objects and occupies space

It was a matter of life and death for them .

There ' s something the matter with this car .

Matters are different from country to country .

All these things do not matter now .
affair  事情,事,事件

: work or activities done for a purpose
: commercial, professional, public, or personal business
: a matter that concerns or involves someone
: a secret sexual relationship between two people

How are your affairs going ?   你的情況怎麼樣?

The wedding was a quiet affair .   婚禮是悄悄地進行的。
event  事件,大事

: something (especially something important or notable) that happens
: a planned occasion or activity (such as a social gathering)
: any one of the contests in a sports program

Winning the scholarship was a great event in the boy ' s life .  

Which events have you entered for ?  
Stuff 用在 東西(產品)上

例如: Stuff雜誌 (介紹3C等,新、高科技產品、東西)

Thing 雖可解釋為 "東西",但大部分用在"事情" & "物" 上

